Delta Partially Reusable Crash Cushion

The Delta Crash Cushion is a robust and efficient solution designed to shield hazards in permanent applications. This system features a series of steel three-beam fender panels supported by sturdy steel diaphragms, engineered to absorb energy during vehicle impacts.
Efficient Energy Dissipation for All Vehicles: The Delta Crash Cushion utilizes shear bolts that tear through precisely engineered cut-outs, offering uniform energy attenuation for various vehicle types and sizes. This innovative approach ensures effective deceleration and energy management.
Installation Made Streamlined: Recognizing the importance of reducing traffic exposure during setup, the Delta Crash Cushion has been developed for quick and straightforward installation. The process is optimized to minimize the time workers spend on the road.
Flexible and Visible Marking Options: Equipped with a multi-directional object marker, the Delta Crash Cushion comes with options for Chevron, Left, or Right angle displays. These markers are designed for high visibility and can be swiftly altered on-site as needed.
Adaptable to All Environments: This crash cushion is built to perform reliably across a full spectrum of temperatures and climates. Its durability makes it a low-cost solution for meeting MASH TL-3 standards as a non-gating, redirective crash cushion.
Post-Impact Recovery: After an impact, the system’s panels and diaphragms can be easily replaced, allowing the Delta Crash Cushion to be promptly restored to its original condition, ready for its next use.
Uncomplicated Design: The Delta Crash Cushion’s design is free from complex components such as hydraulic cylinders, cartridges, modules, cables, pulleys, or tension bars, making it a significantly simple system to maintain and manage.
For a dependable, low-maintenance crash cushion that simplifies energy attenuation, choose the Delta Crash Cushion from RoadSafe—your straightforward solution to roadway impact protection.